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Краткий конспект подготовки к ЗНО по английскому языку №44 "Foreign languages in human life"

Подготовка к ЗНО. Английский язык.
Конспект 44. Foreign languages in human life

  Some of us wonder very often what our lives would be like if there was only one language on Earth. Perhaps life would seem easier and more convenient.However, such uniformity would affect our lives only negatively. Being universal in terms of its use, only one existing language would undermine the joyous diversity which our modern world has in a great amount. Cultures would lack their main distinguishing features – languages.Thus, their uniqueness would disappear. Because languages represent different ways of expressing our thoughts and feelings, each language is rich with its own hues and tones in the whole spectrum of all possible approaches to verbally deliver information.
  Only bilingual people are able to understand fully how foreign languages can differ between each other because they are capable of noticing common distinction in the ways they express the same things in different languages.It is noteworthy that the most treasured thing to be shared – the feeling of love – bilingual people tend to express only in the language that, in their opinion, is more advanced in being sensitive and emotional.
  Apart from everything that was said above, foreign languages make our life diverse in the way of introducing us to several peculiarities of average characters of foreign people who speak the languages that we learn. Through this, we become familiar with foreign cultures.This makes us able to get to know the spirit of persons who are part of societies that are distant from us. In short, foreign languages make our life interesting and diverse so much that life without them is hardly imagined.
  Knowledge of foreign languages helps to promote cultural, educational and technical cooperation among nations. That’s why one of the characteristic features of life in our country today is a great interest in the study of foreign languages — chiefly English.At present English is the most important of the world’s languages. In number of speakers it ranks second. The use of English in diplomacy, commerce and science is evidence of its importance.That’s why many millions of people learn it as a second language.The growth in political, scientific, economic; cultural and educational contacts with different countries has set the scene for a renewed interest in foreign languages studies.

Online-тест подготовки к ЗНО по английскому языку 49 "Иностранные языки в жизни человека"


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