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Краткий конспект подготовки к ЗНО по английскому языку №19 "Art and culture"

Подготовка к ЗНО. Английский язык.
Конспект 19. Art and culture

  Art is the creation or expression of what is beautiful, especially in visual form. Drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, music, ballet belong to art. Really when something is extremely beautiful or has great cultural value, we say: "It's art". Art has always been occupation for the few, but has been admired by many. I really enjoy everything that is beautiful. I like painting, sculpture. I am fond of music and theatre.
  The twentieth century has given the world cinema. For a long time there have been disputes whether the cinema is an art or just an entertainment. Nowadays the cinema is considered one of the main contemporary arts. Not so long ago people went to cinemas frequently, but now we prefer to stay at home and watch video films and TV. Maybe cinemas are no longer as popular as they used to be but films will always be one of the best entertainments for people all over the world.
  Art is an expression of a particular person, or group of people. Art can have a large effect on culture. An artist is defined as a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination. That sensitivity and imagination is what can make a culture. Artists have the ability to manipulate the form of their art therefore manipulating the experience of that art. Art is everywhere. Art is something that influences many parts of our lives.
  Art is what drives us to be creative. To make a car better, we need to have an impeccable design. To build a better house, we have to have an imagination to construct. Art is in everything around us whether it is the car we drive or the house we go home to, it is someone’s artwork. It took someone’s creativity and thought to fabricate the masterpiece. The arts provide a way for people to explore new possibilities “to notice the world.”
  Art defines a culture because culture is a pattern of behaviors, ideas, and values shared by a group. Without art, what is a culture? A way of life? Culture is sometimes defined as the tastes in art and manners that are favored by a social group. Art offers a type of release, whether through song, paint, clay, or simply writing in a diary. Everyone has a passion for a type of work, whether it is crunching numbers on a calculator or spraying paint all over a canvas. Everyone likes to think that their work shows sensitivity and imagination. People like to strive to do better in whatever they are doing.

Online-тест подготовки к ЗНО по английскому языку №19 "Искусство в Украине, Британии и США" 


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