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Онлайн-урок №13 "The youth and modern world. Conditional sentences."

Онлайн-урок №13 "The youth and modern world. Conditional sentences."

19.01.2015 в 17.00

info eng

Конспекты к уроку:

Конспект 18. Conditional sentences 

  Выделяют три основных типа условных предложений.
Первый тип обозначает реальные, осуществимые условия, которые могут относиться к настоящему или будущему. В таком случае в главном предложении (следствия) глагол используется в будущем времени, а в придаточном (условия) – в настоящем:
If you are late again, I will have to fire you.
Если ты опоздаешь еще раз, мне придется тебя уволить.
We will have a hike if the weather is fine.
Если погода будет хорошей, мы сходим в поход.

Второй тип охватывает малореальные, неосуществимые условия, относящиеся к настоящему или будущему. В главном предложении (следствия) тогда используется вспомогательный глагол would / could и инфинитив глагола без частицы to, а в придаточном (условия) – прошедшая форма глагола to be (were во всех лицах) или форма Past Simple всех других глаголов:
If I were you I wouldn’t poke my nose everywhere.
Я бы на Вашем месте не совал всюду нос.
If Australia did not happen to be isolated from the rest of the world, it wouldn’t possess such a unique fauna.
Если бы Австралия не оказалась изолирована от остального мира, на ней не было бы такой уникальной фауны.

Третий тип описывает невыполненные условия в прошлом. В главном предложении (следствия) используется вспомогательный глагол would / could и глагол во времени Present Perfect, а в придаточном (условия) – глагол в форме Past Perfect:
If you had gone to bed in time you wouldn’t have missed your interview.
Если бы ты вовремя пошла спать, то не проспала бы собеседование.

Конспект 23. Youth and modern world 

 Youth is a period of life which is of utmost importance in people’s life. Firstly, the morals and beliefs, range of interests, education, health and habits are all laid in childhood and youth, andso the personality is shaped. Secondly, youth is a time when a person is trying to find his place in the world. This period is usually associated with problems: young people 'struggle' to fit themselves into society. Among them are eternal problems of choosing a career and getting education, a problem of independence and money, a problem of unemployment of young people and the generation gap. Young people have many problems of emotional and personal character which may look silly and unimportant in the eyes of grown-ups but appear to be extremely important to the young. They are the problems of friendship and loneliness, as well as the problem of the first love.
  Probably the most vital problem is choosing a career, which is really difficult. One thing that makes it so difficult is the responsibility you have to take on — it is widely known that your future life depends on the choice made early in life when your personal experience is not so great. Sometimes you may even be not quite certain about the field of knowledge you are interested in. Another thingis that there are parents who usually have their own idea of your future career and, in many cases, try to make their child choose the career path they prefer.
Perhaps one of the most fundamental problems faced by young people today is unemployment which means financial worries, frustration and discouragement. To solve the problem of unemployment, young people should strive for higher education. Then they will be qualified for skilled labour required by industrialized society.
  Another inevitable problem facing young people today is the tension which exists between parents and children, or the 'generation gap'. Firstly, young people always reject or at least question the values of their parents because they want to learn from their own experience, not from their parents' standards. Secondly, every younger generation tends to be more educated and better-informed than the previous one. Thirdly, parents tend to aggravate the situation: they try to impose their ideas upon their children. It results in young people's revolt against adult authority.
  An area which causes a problem for young people and their parents is friendship. Youth is the time when a person is vulnerable to opinions of different people, especially to the opinions of their peer group. As far as a problem of love and dating is concerned, some parents appeardemocratic and allow their children considerable freedom in their relations with the opposite sex. Others are overprotective and forbid their teenage children to go out with people they like, which, in my opinion, can result in many psychological problems as they prevent their children from getting an experience of communicating with representatives of the opposite sex, and this can lead to serious family problems later.
  To conclude, it can be mentioned that grown-ups should work together with young people to help them solve these problems. We must remember that the young people are the leaders of our society and our tomorrow.

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